Australia property market news
Keep up with the latest Australian property market news here at Property Guides. We cover all the updates that matter if you’re looking to buy property in Australia, including legislation, market forecasts, and housing developments. You’ll also find handy tips and insights to help you on your buying journey.

10 quirky small towns to buy a home in Australia
Sydney, Melbourne and Perth tend to dominate the international property buyer’s imagination. But if the blare of the big city is not for you, you might find your feet in one of these small towns. Each offers a gentler pace of life, surrounded by nature, be that the coast, the rainforest or the desert. Discover two towns named after animals, the country’s counter-culture capital and a town that is literally built underground.Read more...
Featured Articles
Changes to the Australian skilled work visa
The Australian government will be replacing the 457 temporary work visa with a two new skilled work visas. Find out everything you need to know about these changes.Read more...
The changing media landscape in Australia
The digital revolution is changing the way Australians consume media. So what are the latest newspaper, television, radio, online and social media trends Down Under?Read more...
Don’t go to Australia without reading these six books
In honour of UN World Book Day on Sunday, we look at some books about Australia. If you are looking to visit or move to Australia, make sure to read these first.Read more...
Australian visa change: should you be worried?
By doing away with the controversial “457 visa” program for temporary skilled migrants and raising the importance of the need to speak English, the Australian government could help British people seeking a new life in Australia.Read more...
Celebrating Easter in Australia
Did you know Australia has an Easter Bilby not an Easter Bunny? Find out other unique traditions of the Australian Easter holiday.Read more...
Australia has the world’s best immigration system
Australia is the most welcoming country in the world and has the highest proportion of equal-rights migrants in the world.Read more...
Suddenly Australia is a lot closer, with the first direct flights
For the first time ever, there will now be direct flights from Australia to London. Learn more about this new flight route.Read more...
Maternity rights in Australia
It’s Mothering Sunday this weekend in the UK, but don’t panic if mum’s already in Australia, it’s not until May over there – plenty of time to organise flowers! For mothers in Australia, however, what is it like to be a mum there in 2017?Read more...
Australia cracks down on foreign property rule-breakers
Overseas buyers are restricted in the kind of property they can buy in Australia, and the new government is determined to enforce the rules.Read more...
Your countdown to Australian emigration begins now
Despite a rise in populism, Australia remains one of the most welcoming nations.Read more...