Canada has a lot going for it, but aside from the stunning scenery and outdoorsy lifestyle what customs and longstanding traditions will you encounter as a newcomer to this great country?
Embarking on a move to Canada is a significant undertaking and for many the fulfilment of a once seemingly unattainable dream. Any cursory investigation will highlight the amazing balance of stunning countryside and sleek, modern cities that Canada has to offer. But, there are many other factors that you should look into when planning your move, such as the local customs you will encounter through your new day-to-day life.
You can expect around 12 public holidays per year
Although technically still a part of the British Commonwealth, from a social and economic point of view Canada is more similar to the United States of America than the UK. However, that is not necessarily a concern and each year thousands of Brits are happy to start a new life here.
Holidays and special occasions
One of the obvious benefits to Canada’s celebrations is the number of them, it varies a little from province to province but you can expect around 12 public holidays per year. In addition to the usual Easter and Christmas breaks there are some uniquely Canadian holidays that typify the feeling and outlook of the country. For example, in February there is ‘Family Day’, a fairly recent addition to the calendar. This was created to allow families a day off in the cold winter months to spend some quality time with their loved ones. Many tourist destination, including ski resorts, offer Family Day discounts so that it is even easier to get out and have a good time – just as long as you don’t mind crowds!
If you want to be over here celebrating Canada Day in 2019, now is the time to make serious plans to emigrate. Read our Emigration Guide today!
On 1st July each year Canada Day is celebrated, marking the anniversary of the formation of the dominion of Canada in 1867 – if the 1st falls on a weekend the Monday following is observed as a holiday. On Canada Day there are outdoor concerts, parades and firework displays to enjoy with all the family. Canada also has its own Thanksgiving, which is observed on the second Monday in October.
There are some uniquely Canadian holidays that typify the feeling and outlook of the country
Attitudes to immigration
Another aspect of Canadian life that is appreciated by newcomers is an overall welcoming attitude, and a commitment to immigration as a way of enriching Canadian life. This longstanding approach has resulted in a truly diverse culture with Canadian cities, in particular, being a mosaic made up of people from all corners of the globe. Although new arrivals are encouraged to learn and appreciate a variety of Canadian traditions (such as the aforementioned holidays) there is still an emphasis on holding on to the customs and traditions of their home country. This attitude has made Canada into a peaceful haven with a culture that accepts, and indeed values, its diversity.