Written by Beth Nicholson,
10th July 2024

For towns and villages in France, there is no greater accolade than winning the revered title of one of the “Plus Beaux Villages de France” (the most beautiful villages of France). In 2024, two new villages were added to the prestigious list.

The esteemed membership of this elite group now includes 178 villages. The chosen areas are spread across 14 regions and 70 departments. With a destination for every style and taste, there’s a beautiful village to suit everyone.

Estaing, one of les plus beaux villages en France

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The most beautiful villages in France

The origins of this association (and official certification), derive from the discovery of a book bought in Paris. Published by “Sélection du Reader’s Digest” and bought by Charles Ceyrac, the Mayor of Collonges-la-Rouge. This book (featuring his village on the front) spoke personally to him, of a cause close to his heart. Urging him to share and promote the important message.

To unite forces and passions to protect and promote the remarkable heritage of these exceptional towns and offer them an alternative to rural desertification.

He promoted and advocated this idea, rallying support amongst his fellow mayors. On March 6th 1982, the concept of the most beautiful villages in France officially came into being, in Cantal. The network has since grown to its current membership of an impressive 178 villages.

The main purpose of the “Most Beautiful Villages in France” association is to preserve and enhance the heritage of the member villages. It also aims to promote economic development and increase tourism.

The ethos of the association

The objectives of the network are Quality, Awareness and Development. Villages on the list, are periodically retested. Ensuring that they continue to adhere long-term to the highest quality standards of the award. They are encouraged to share information in terms of knowledge and best practice. Villages are awarded the official signage. Featuring the famous “Les Plus Beaux Villages” logo, aiding promotion and communications both with regional press and the media as a whole. Meanwhile, publications are meticulously planned and designed to promote the most beautiful villages of France as both a destination for visitors, alongside a place to permanently settle.

Economic development is, however, perhaps the key factor. For both preserving the village’s heritage, alongside maintaining the population and reputation of the location. Promotion as a tourist destination is of course of paramount importance. With events showcasing local produce, services and knowledge specifically designed to help to attract visitors. In short, villages within this exclusive group must continually strive for improvement, development and evolution. There is no room for complacency within this dynamic and privileged group.

So let’s take a tour around the two villages that received the accolade for the first time this year.

Fontevraud l’Abbaye in Maine-et-Loire


Fontevraud-l’Abbaye is a French commune in the Maine-et-Loire département, in the Pays de la Loire region. The jewel in the crown of Fontevraud is the Royal Abbey. Founded in 1101 and is part of the Loire Valley’s classification as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The site is sizeable – an impressive 13 hectares of ancient buildings steeped in history. Featuring not only the Abbey itself but also impressive cloisters and Byzantine kitchens.

The history of the site is truly varied. Originally the site of a newly created Monastic order, it was home to both men and women (in separate quarters). All under the authority of the Abbess of Fontevraud. But was then seized during the French Revolution, serving as a prison from 1804 to 1963. Holding up to some 2,000 prisoners and earning the prison the reputation of being the “toughest in France after Clairvaux”. Few sites can cite going from one extreme to the other, from haven to prison as part of their history.

Culture in Fontevraud-l’Abbaye

The abbey was given to the French Ministry of Culture in 1963 and now houses a modern art museum, the base of which comprises donations from Martine and Léon Cligman. A couple fascinated by art. Collectors of paintings, drawings and sculptures, glassware and antique items by many world-renowned 19th and 20th century artists. Since 2021, this site has attracted visitors from all over the world, fascinated by both the history and content of this impressive site. It also runs an impressive and continual cultural program. Featuring installations by contemporary artists, film screenings, lively debates and lectures as well as concerts.

With its 1,500 inhabitants, the heart of the village remains a place of tranquillity and quiet contemplation. But is also a dynamic community with a wide range of services, shops, restaurants and associations. Not forgetting the obligatory village market. Which takes place each Wednesday morning, selling locally produced charcuterie and fruit and vegetables. With a history as rich as this, it is hard to see why it has taken so long for Fontevraud-l’Abbaye to attain the accolade of one of the most beautiful villages in France. But they are now determined to make up for lost time!

Blangy-Le-Chateau, The latest Beaux Village en France


Described as “the little Rome of Calvados” due to the seven hills which surround it, Blangy-le- Château is in Normandy. This tiny gem of a French commune, with only 734 inhabitants lies approximately 10km south-east of Pont-l’Évêque, 22km from Deauville and 170 km from Paris. The border between Calvados and Eure sits 4km to the east of the village. Timber-framed houses are traditional dwellings here. The village is known for its exceptionally wide main street. Despite its tiny population, Blangy-le- Château is often said to be one of the most beautiful villages in the Pays d’Auge.

Routinely featured in paintings and photography in France, the village plays host to an annual painters exhibition every June or July. Blangy’s buildings, listed heritage and natural heritage cement its position as a popular tourist destination. An added draw is the numerous festive and cultural events the village offers. The surrounding countryside showcases magnificent unspoiled vistas and pure springs, boasting crystal clear waters. Promoting a true sense of tranquillity and calm. Despite the low population, the village features a large number of shops with craftsmen showcasing their wares. Unlike some other small villages in France, there are still active schools within the commune, in addition to many sports amenities and the weekly market.

The population includes people of all generations and promotes many associations for maintaining social connections. The village is understandably delighted by its new standing as one of the official most beautiful villages in France. Eagerly awaiting those looking to visit.

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