Being large and squarish, in France you can find yourself a long way from a beach. No problem, when there are such beautiful rivers and lakes to swim in. Wild swimming, as swimming outdoors in rivers and lakes rather than in municipal pools is known, has dramatically risen in popularity. It even featured in the Paris Olympics, to varying success. Here we highlight the rise of wild swimming in France, with a few do’s and don’ts and recommendations on where to swim.
Reports show the number of Brits with second homes in France dropping for the first time in a decade. However, there are many reasons to buy property in France now. In fact, many of those once-owning holiday homes have decided to jump right in and are living here as permanent residents. Perhaps accelerated by the COVID pandemic, embracing the “life is too short” philosophy.
Moving can be an exciting and scary experience; moving to a new country is even more so. I found that, despite the homework I did on life in France, the best advice often comes from someone who has “been there, done that”! I feel I’ve learnt a huge amount over the years about how to integrate happily with the French. So, I’d love to share my own tips with you, so you’re better prepared for your own new life in France.
Moving to another country is a huge step, however prepared and excited you are. The key to establishing a happy fulfilled life in France – or indeed any other adopted country – is integration. This obviously is a gradual process: it takes time to become accustomed to your new life. However, it is something to think about when you are unpacking your boxes, getting to know your village or locality and trying to brush up on your French!
Many people in France offer their second home or on-site gites to tourists throughout the summer months. Others buy property as holiday homes, perhaps not using them for more than a few months of the year. With interest and inflation on the rise across Europe, you’re not alone if you’re considering doing the same to make a few extra euros. Letting out your home in France can provide valuable additional income as there’s always demand for tourist accommodation.
Are you tempted to start a new life in a beautiful village in France? If so, you’re not alone. Many British people, myself included, have done just that and if you asked them if they had any regrets, the majority would say “only that I didn’t do it earlier”.