Tough economic conditions combined with tighter lending conditions by European banks might make you think twice about applying for a euro mortgage in France. Speak to the right people though and doors should open.
Connecting with estate agents is a key step in finding your dream home overseas, wherever that may be. According to a survey we conducted, 70% of buyers in France rated a good estate agent as the most important element in a successful purchase in France.
It’s not essential to attain French nationality in order to stay in France as an expat. However, there are many reasons why people choose to apply, from having the right to vote, to regaining freedom of movement, or even just gaining a sense of belonging in the country where you live. But the first hurdle is attaining a certification in the B1 language exam.
For many of us traveling from the UK, Manche is the first we see of France, as we arrive at ports like Cherbourg and St Malo. But as we drive off the ferry and speed down to Nouvelle Aquitaine or Brittany, this beautiful and rugged coastal department certainly bears taking a closer look, especially the pretty and affordable property in Manche.
If you are looking to settle into your local community in France quickly and easily, one of the most rewarding ways is by volunteering. Whatever your interests or skills, there will be a volunteering opportunity to suit you. Plus, you’ll be making a difference at the same time, says our resident Brit in France, Beth.
If you’d love to buy in France but just can’t find the right property, or you lack confidence in your French language and knowledge of the market, you need a buyer’s agent.