So, you’ve found your dream home and want to find work in France to earn some pennies (or more!) or keep busy? It’s easier than you might think: plenty of expats have done this before and there are plentiful opportunities for British people employed in France in all spheres. Here’s how to go about job-hunting.
Where do you see yourself in 2019? Perhaps in a beautiful French home, spending your time browsing the local marchés, stocking up on locally grown produce and enjoying your village fetes? I firmly believe that France is one of the best places to start a new life, so here are my top ten reasons for buying property in France in 2019.
Looking for some family-friendly French ski resorts to buy property in? There are so many to choose from with easy access from the UK and plenty to do in both winter and summer seasons. Here we focus on two super resorts, one in the Pyrénées and one in the Alps.
The winter season is one of the best times to visit France for lots of reasons. True, the beach may not be on the menu aside from an appetite enducing stroll, but plenty of areas still have superb golden sunshine at this time of the year, there are all sorts of festivals going on, Christmas fairs of course and it is much cheaper to travel there. So, wrap up warm and come on a journey through winter in France, starting here.
France has for hundreds of years been a country to which so many artists have moved. Many have felt that only here can they truly indulge their artistic tendencies, become inspired to create works which they may never have dreamed of in their home countries. They also find they live a more uncomplicated life perhaps than they had done before. People from all over the world still seem to be lured by the beauty of France. No surprise with our stunning countryside, the golden light, the ancient buildings, the rugged coastlines.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget, when you’re busy researching Brexit rules or running around trying to organise estate agents and viewing trips, exactly why France is regarded by all right-thinking people as the nicest place in the world to live. So we thought we’d give you a quick reminder!