France Property Guides brings you details of the warmly received new law banning plastic cups, plates and cutlery France may lag behind the UK in terms of technical innovation, interest in home renovation, and DIY and building material supplies, but environmentally the country is most certainly ahead of the game.
When driving around the winding mountain roads and rugged countryside of the Languedoc Roussillon, you cannot help but notice the extraordinary ruined monument, built by the Cathars The Cathars were followers of a rival church in early medieval times, who dismissed the riches and ceremony of the Catholic church in favour of purity and equality. Catholics at the time named the Cathars as nothing short of heretics.
The beginning of 2016 heralded new change for France, with a new map being rolled out across the country. There has not been a great deal of publication about these plans outside of the country but it has been talked about a lot over the last couple of years in France itself and it is true: as of 1 January this year, France’s 22 regions have been whittled down to 13 in an effort to streamline the bureaucracy of this country.
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