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Looking at the many reasons why British people have long held France in such high esteem: the love affair continues!
We have lived in France for almost 7 years now and have never looked back. Each time we go back to visit the UK, we remember why we made the decision to relocate to France. When you have lived with such space, such beauty, such a wonderful climate and been truly embraced by your French friends and neighbours, you realise that the general quality of life here in France is something to behold. Gone are the days of sitting in traffic, not quite knowing when you will arrive at your destination, of jostling for space on pavements, of searching in vain for an expensive parking spot, of not knowing if the weather is going to be kind.
We have lived in France for almost 7 years now and have never looked back.
Different attitudes
The French have a different attitude to life: they work hard, but they play hard too, seeming to strike an ideal balance between the two. One of the main differences we have found is that family is considered sacred and of the utmost importance. Lunchtime is just that: time to have lunch and not just to grab a sandwich on the run. The generations mix well too. It is quite normal to see three generations out for lunch on a Sunday, with the younger folk respecting their grandparents, happy to spend time with them.

Village life in France is laid back and tranquil.
There is a strong sense of community in France. Village life is laid back and tranquil but every effort is made to include everyone, young and old. In our village there are local events going on throughout the year. The weekly market is a place not just to buy fresh produce but to catch up with one’s friends and neighbours. People are not rushed. There is simplicity about life here which is hard to describe, but which works for us!
You can still buy a wonderful property for far, far less than its equivalent in the UK.
Property prices
Property prices remain pretty stable and although the incredible bargains of, say, 20 years ago, may no longer be here, you can still buy a wonderful property for far, far less than its equivalent in the UK. There is also a much wider choice of types of house. Land is cheaper too and buying a building plot to build your own property to suit you is becoming very popular, particularly here in the South of France.
They say it is only when you have been away from somewhere for some time that you can really see it for what it is and thus our feeling when we return to the UK is that it has become overcrowded, resulting in more stress for its inhabitants. Not a day goes by without us thanking our lucky stars that we came to live in this beautiful country.