Why are there farmer protests in France?

Why are there farmer protests in France?

Protests in France, as we all know, are not uncommon. It is perhaps one of the things that we give the country the most credit for. Unlike other countries, groups of people who feel aggrieved do not take things lying down. Whether their efforts eventually end with change or not. Striking and protesting appear to be part of the French psyche.
5 reasons why retiring to France is a good idea

5 reasons why retiring to France is a good idea

Have you dreamt of retiring to France since you first visited? Perhaps you fell in love with the country on a trip and enjoyed the ambiance, lifestyle and culture? Whatever your reason, we’re here to help you make it happen. 
Moving to France with children: The French education system

Moving to France with children: The French education system

The French educational system is one of the best in the world. Generally speaking, it is based far more on the academic core subjects with slightly less emphasis on sports and arts. Having said that, there is still plenty of excellent teaching in the latter category, it is just that the French have always placed greater importance on academia.

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