10 homes in France for €250,000 or less

10 homes in France for €250,000 or less

When buying a property overseas, it’s likely that you want to be a bit pickier than you are in your home country. After all, you’re not only buying a home, but you’re also buying into a brand-new way of life!
Hope for British holiday-home owners in France

Hope for British holiday-home owners in France

British holiday-home owners affected by the 90-day rule post-Brexit, were offered a glimmer of hope this week. This light came with proposed plans allowing for more flexible visas and freedom to spend lengthened time at their properties.
How easy is it to set up a gite business in France?

How easy is it to set up a gite business in France?

Setting up a gite business in France is something anyone can do with the right knowledge and preparation. With France constantly being one of the most popular countries for British people to visit and in which to buy a second home, setting up a gite business is an ideal way of having an income and making your property pay for itself.
The evolution of Halloween in France

The evolution of Halloween in France

If your favourite holiday to celebrate is Halloween, then a word of caution. This tradition does not quite hold the gravitas in France that it may in other countries, particularly the US and the UK. However, as with many things, this is evolving slowly but surely. Halloween in France is gaining popularity, with many more people getting involved in celebrations. Particularly those with children, and, perhaps surprisingly, more in rural locations than within cities.

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