Where are the top-rated towns in France?

Where are the top-rated towns in France?

French association ‘Villes et villages où il fait bon vivre’ recently released its annual rankings of villages and towns in France, ranked by their overall quality of life.
Discover the top rated ski resorts in France

Discover the top rated ski resorts in France

As Europe’s winter season hits its peak and excited households pack for half-term skiing trips, we thought it timely to highlight some useful stats for anyone hunting for a property on a French ski resort! And remember, an Alpine home is as much fun to visit outside of the winter months, especially for anyone who enjoys an active outdoor lifestyle …
The taxes you’ll pay in France

The taxes you’ll pay in France

One of the trickiest things to navigate following relocation as a new resident, is taxes in France. Particularly for those previously employed back in the UK who intend to start their own businesses here. As many do. Here, we explain the various taxes in France that you need to be aware of as a result of your new life.
6 quirky things to know about France

6 quirky things to know about France

If you’re considering buying property in France, chances are you’ll be spending more time in the country than you currently are. Here are a few fun facts about la République (as it’s lovingly referred to by residents) that may surprise you or at least bring a smile to your face.

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