How to make your French home more energy efficient

How to make your French home more energy efficient

We’re all affected by the current increase in utility bills. However, there’s good news in France as the country is set to keep its energy price cap for next year in order to protect consumers. This was announced in September by the French budget minister. Furthermore, the prime minister announced that regulated electricity and gas prices will be capped at a 15% rise next year.
An insight into village life in France

An insight into village life in France

Are you tempted to start a new life in a beautiful village in France? If so, you’re not alone. Many British people, myself included, have done just that and if you asked them if they had any regrets, the majority would say “only that I didn’t do it earlier”.
How to prepare your French property for winter

How to prepare your French property for winter

One of the joys for expats relocating to France is affordable property prices. As a result, several of us now live in properties that we might have only dreamt of owning in the UK. Larger houses and areas of land contribute to wonderful new lifestyles. But with them, comes maintenance and upkeep. Never more so than in the run up to winter in France.

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