Why I love life in the south of France

Why I love life in the south of France

My husband and I moved lock stock and barrel to France over nine years ago now: my, how time flies. We are so glad that we made France our home. In a nutshell, it is a far more relaxing lifestyle, there is more space, less traffic, a lovelier climate and we have quite simply never looked back. Here I look at some of my favourite things to do, places to see and events to go to down here in the Occitanie region of the south of France.
Picture perfect French property

Picture perfect French property

You’ve seen the new film starring Willem Dafoe as Vincent van Gogh, you’ve fought for tickets at the impressionist exhibition at Tate Britain, now buy the French home where so many artists found inspiration. See some of those places our favourite painters found especially inspiring, and a few homes to get your own creative juices flowing! 
“Enjoy going slow”: the van Hartens’ new life in southwest France

“Enjoy going slow”: the van Hartens’ new life in southwest France

Anglo-Dutch couple the van Hartens have ditched the rat race in the UK for the more relaxed pace of life, sunnier weather and affordable property of southwest France. Mrs van Harten describes the move as ‘the most relaxed move I’ve ever made’ – we caught with her to find out her top tips for a smooth relocation, and to hear how she and her husband are enjoying their new life.
Learning French for property buyers

Learning French for property buyers

So you’re heading off on that property viewing trip. At last! But when a long-cherished dream gets real, you might suddenly feel far from your comfort zone, and very foreign. Learning a little bit of French puts you in control. But which is the best way to learn? Christopher Nye investigates your options for learning French for property buyers.
Meet the new neighbours: France’s wildlife (and where to find it)

Meet the new neighbours: France’s wildlife (and where to find it)

Almost 60% of us Brits moving to France want to live in the countryside – but, if you’re getting close to nature in France, what sort of animals are you likely to encounter? To celebrate International Wildlife Day, we’re taking a look at some of the new neighbours you might find hanging out in the countryside, from lynxes and fire salamanders to the humble red squirrel!

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