How will Brexit impact Brits buying and living in France?

How will Brexit impact Brits buying and living in France?

It is still early days and nothing is going to change for at least two years. Indeed, things may not change at all but that would be looking too far into the future – what we’re all wondering is how this will impact those living in France.  
The climate, beaches and lifestyle in the Languedoc region

The climate, beaches and lifestyle in the Languedoc region

The Languedoc Roussillon lies down in the true South of France, sharing many geographical aspects with its more expensive sister region, Provence. It is mainly a wine growing area – actually the largest in the world – but has so much else to offer: hundreds of kilometres of sandy beaches, historical Cathar monuments, hiking trails, rivers, mountains, skiing, proximity to Spain.   Living here, one of the first things that expats are struck by is the wonderful golden light of the sun. They say there are 320 days of sunshine here; although it is a seasonal climate and can get quite cold in t
Tax in France

Tax in France

Our expert Independent Financial Advisor partners in France believe that the tax system is likely to remain very similar to the current structure in the event of Brexit. This is because: a). Cross border taxation of income and capital (such as French property rental income, proceeds of property sales, UK residents inheriting French property, and all UK sourced income for French residents) is subject to existing Double Tax Treaties, which are set up completely independently from the EU and therefore do not fall under EU regulation. The UK leaving the EU will not automatically change this system
The property market as it stands now in France

The property market as it stands now in France

Looking at the French Property Market post-Brexit. Is it still a buyer’s market or are things slowly changing? France remains right at the top of the most popular countries for overseas buyers to purchase property. We live in what may be described as turbulent times and Brexit came as a shock to many. At this stage no-one knows when or even whether it will be enforced but after the initial knee jerk reaction a few weeks on, signs are that Brexit has not stopped many Brits looking to buy in France despite the pound taking a tumble. Indeed, we have heard many a British voice saying they are more
Exciting times ahead for property buyers in France.

Exciting times ahead for property buyers in France.

Why this may be the ideal time to buy property in France: prices are still low, it’s a buyer’s market, but latest indications show prices will rise, so your dream French home may in years to come even prove to be a valid investment! Exciting times ahead for property buyers in France.  

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