When you’re thinking about buying property there is a lot to think about. When moving overseas this is an even bigger deal. There are a number of different specifics that you should consider depending on where you are moving to. For those thinking about moving to Ireland, we have put together a list of the main things you will need consider to help with a safe and secure property purchase.
This week, we take a look at Irish property prices, offer some suggestions for the most affordable places to live, and some predictions for how the market is likely to perform in the months to come.
Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you need to batten down the hatches – there’s plenty for you and the family to do in Ireland during winter. Today we reveal 10 of the best.
What will it be: a fisherman’s cottage overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, a Georgian terraced house in Dublin with a colourful door? Maybe a castle to call home, surrounded by rolling green hills? Ireland has plenty of housing options and architectural styles to choose from.
County Sligo markets itself with the slogan ‘Sligo is surprising’ – and it’s not wrong. Often overlooked, the county is home to picturesque villages, unspoilt open countryside and is less remote than it appears, equidistant to Dublin and Belfast. It’s Ireland’s adventure capital too, perfect for anyone looking for an active lifestyle.