Milan is a city in northern Italy and the regional capital of Lombardy, which is the second-most populous city after Rome. It attracts millions of tourists, designers and artists each year who come to experience the Italian lifestyle in a vibrant city.
The rich and famous have been flocking to Lucca lately, as a new movie is filmed within its famous old walls. But you don’t need a Hollywood income to buy a home in this Tuscan city with the movie-star looks. Let’s check out the highlights.
When asked about living in Italy, I tend to answer based on my own experience. As a Brit abroad, questions about weather, taxes, food costs, healthcare, heating, safety and whether Italians speak English, often pop up. To help you on your journey to becoming an Italian homeowner, I’ve written down some FAQs and answered them as best as I can.
In the Your Overseas Home 2024 Buyer’s survey, over 50% of people looking to buy property in Italy told us they’re looking for a second home, rather than a primary residence, retirement casa or investment property.
Making sustainable choices on your viewing trip, will help preserve all that is beautiful about Italy for the future. By considering sustainability during your visits to Italy you will make a positive impact on the local economy, create jobs, preserve the cultural heritage and help prevent damage to the natural environment.