A leading travel website has asked its clients where they felt most welcomed. No surprise to anyone, the winner was an Italian city. So, where is the friendliest city in Italy, and the most welcoming city in the world? Plus, five essential tips for welcoming your own guests.
Property in Tuscany is always a popular choice with international home hunters in Italy. But given that Tuscany is the size of Wales, with widely varying geography, accessibility and property prices, where should you start your search? We analyse the appeal, and property prices, of Lucca, Pisa, Grosseto, Florence and Arezzo.
If you’re looking to invest in Italian property or more specifically an old or traditional home in Italy, that needs a bit of work, there are a few things you should be aware of.
Whether you want to live in a Tuscan village with views of the countryside or in the heart of the Italian country, near a pretty village – Tuscany has properties to suit every budget.
Italy’s top destinations have become so popular with day visitors that the tourist authorities are coming up with innovative ways to prevent overcrowding. Does Venice have the solution?