You know about the art, history, bucolic beauty, glorious shopping and scrumptious food. But did you know that Italy has some pretty great ski resorts too? And not just in the Alps. From top to toe, there are Italian ski homes just a short drive from the beach and countryside. Best of both worlds? We think so. Here are our favourites.
I’ve often said that Italians think we’re a bit crazy with our love of buying old, rural homes in need of restoration. Well, the figures bear it out, with Italians largely preferring to purchase in cities and rural homes attracting overseas buyers. So what’s next for the Italian property market in 2019? What are prices like and what trends are there?
Italy Property Guides readers Rod and Elaine Tipler have just bought a renovation project in the beautiful Torre Guaceto nature reserve, right down in the sunny south of Brindisi. With work starting in full swing and plans to move in by the end of the year, we spoke to the Tiplers about their property hunt and how they’re finding their new life in Italy.
It’s not long now until the Brexit deadline of 31st January, but is it really going to be over for British people buying in Italy? Media hype makes many think so, but British buyers in Italy have risen by over 14% in the last year. They know something the others don’t – and that something is how to ‘Brexit-proof’ their plans. They know how to move to Italy whatever happens, and they’re already planning how to do it.
We heard a great quote the other day. “If you’re not happy where you are, move! You’re not a tree.” It sounds like something a wise Italian grandmother would say. Italy has so much to offer anyone who wants to make that great escape. So take your future in your own hands and consider these 10 great reasons to move to Italy in 2019.