“Would I be better off in New Zealand?” It’s the question everyone looking to make the move asks themselves. When it comes to lifestyle the answer is pretty easy – yes! But what about the cash? In our all-new Cost of Living Index we compare the prices of 60 everyday essentials to those in the UK, from your supermarket shop to furnishing your home.
Today we look at how much you can expect to spend on really upmarket New Zealand properties. We look at the best locations and provide some examples of what you can get for your money.
When you’re planning the move of a lifetime, there are a million and one things to do. Most are fun: finding that perfect home, furnishing your property, but some, like updating your will, often get left to another day. However, this is crucial to giving you peace of mind, so find out what the key inheritance rules are in New Zealand.
You’ve made the decision, you’ve filled out the forms, you’ve got the visa! Now all you need to do is work out how to get all your worldly goods with you to New Zealand.
Could it be the chance to put some miles between them and the paparazzi, or New Zealanders’ refreshingly down-to-earth attitude to fame, that makes the celebs just love New Zealand?