The US property market in 2019 looks to continue the trend for high prices, with asking prices almost 50% higher than ten years ago – but if you know where to look, and just as importantly, what type of property to look for, you’ll be able to find bargains (and it’s all thanks to lower sales volumes – we’ll show you where).
Retirement in Ireland offers affordable homes, cultured cities, welcoming people and gorgeous landscapes. What more could you ask for? Plus, it’s within the Common Travel Area so no major Brexit worries! Follow our ten steps to your Irish retirement.
While Australia’s economy is strong and stable, throughout 2018 we watched on as Australian property prices fell for twelve months in a row. While these price drops are some of the most significant Australia has experienced since the Eighties, it’s important to remember that they followed a period of extraordinarily rapid growth. Market conditions were tricky for buyers in Australia in 2018. Tighter lending restrictions imposed by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority and Royal Commission recommendations made banks more cautious with lending than usual. Consequently, house auction pri
Tax is a complicated business no matter where you decide to park yourself in the world. However, when you buy overseas, it’s vital to understand how your tax situation will be affected. For those hoping to buy property in the USA, getting your head around the system might take a head scratching. In America, tax is imposed at a federal, state AND a local government level. Yes – this means that you can be taxed by all three at once! Additionally, the US is one of only two countries in the world to tax non-resident citizens on their worldwide income, although they do offer a tax credit for foreig
With Christmas (and the end of the year) currently winking at us from behind that bumper bottle of Baileys, it’s only natural to start reflecting on 2018, and where we might like to be this time next year. If Ireland is that special twinkle in your eye – either to buy property in Ireland, or to make the move permanently, it’s important to weigh up if it’s the right place for you and whether life there will leave you more fulfilled.