If you’ve an image in your head of exactly what you want from your dream home overseas, why settle for less? If you build your home from scratch, you can have it just as you imagine. But how do you go about finding the right plot of land to build a house on abroad? And which experts do you need to involve in the process?
The Sunshine State’s success as a tourist destination is breaking yet more records. It’s all good news for Florida’s property market in summer 2019 too. Refreshingly detached from the Brexit saga and enjoying booming levels of tourism, Florida is an exciting place to be property-hunting right now. If you’ve always been tempted by a Disney home, here’s why 2019 is the time to make it happen!
If you crave a new life in the sun, or even just a bolt-hole away from Britain’s gloom, it needn’t cost the earth. While property prices are rising in most European sunshine destinations, affordable options still exist – especially in Portugal. While the country’s popular Algarve region has plenty of glitz, glamour and multi-million euro villas, there’s plenty of affordable Algarve homes to choose from too.
Have you heard: 60 is the new 40? It certainly is for our readers, who see retiring abroad as the chance to enjoy themselves after a well-earned career. They’re more likely to be running half-marathons than playing bowls. More likely to be learning a new language, making new friends and taking up a new outdooorsy hobby than watching daytime TV and wrapping up warm in the UK. Here is why moving to the sun is your chance for a relaxing, healthy retirement abroad.
Imagine building your perfect home from scratch, exactly how you want, from the living space layout, to the number of bedrooms and any extras (Home gym? Art studio? Workshop?). That’s exactly what many do, and they all say how rewarding it is. Before you can build, though, you need to find a plot. So how do you find building land in Italy?
When you want perfection, sometimes you just need to build the home of your dreams, rather than someone else’s. And for that, you need some land. Few countries offer so many gorgeous plots and views as Greece. So here is how you buy land to build a home in Greece, written by Diana from Corfu Home Finders.