Ireland, where the perfect job could be waiting for you

If you’re moving to Ireland, either to start a new life or returning to the old country, securing work will top your to-do list. The good news is that Ireland is booming, unemployment falling, and it’s the perfect time to be seeking opportunities there.

Better protected mortgages offer hope to Cyprus buyers

Cyprus has been put on the naughty step by the European Commission, which has forced it to implement an EU mortgage directive following some lending irregularities. It’s good news for property buyers needing a mortgage on the island.

Cyprus’s most gorgeous coastal villages

Cyprus is famous for its sandy beaches and sparkling waters. For anyone in search of beach life but far from the madding crowds of tourists, here are three of the island’s best coastal villages.

Your rights protected, if you live in EU before March 2019

It can be hard to keep up with all the hints and gossip surrounding Brexit in these strange days before negotiations even begin. You have to listen carefully for the real story. But a comment from the EU last week gives real hope that if you are living in Portugal before the UK formally leaves the EU by March 2019, then your right to live there permanently, visa-free, with health coverage, will be protected. That was the message from the EU as it outlined its negotiating position ahead of Brexit talks.

How welcoming is Portugal to LGBT lifestyles?

We explore local attitudes if you are moving to Portugal with a same–sex partner. Will you be able to walk hand-in-hand on the beach, is your status as married partners protected, can you change your legal gender? Oh, and where are the best gay bars?

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