Books that capture the heart of New Zealand

It’s UN World Book Day (and Shakespeare’s birthday) on Sunday, so today we look at the best books to read to prepare you for life in New Zealand. And no, no hobbits in sight!

Easter in New Zealand

Today we discuss how New Zealanders celebrate Easter so you’ll know what to expect this time next year.

Living in peace in Portugal

It’s no secret that Portugal is popular with tourists. No doubt you fell in love with its charms on a trip of your own. But once you own a home there you’ll probably want to escape the crowds once summer’s in full swing. Here are some tips to help you achieve a bit of peace and quiet.

Five great books about Portugal

Want to learn more about Portugal? Here a five great reads that delve into the country’s fascinating history, provide an expats view of living there and offer an amusing insight into the locals unique traits.

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