They say an Englishman’s home is his castle – and that goes as much in France as back home. There’s something about French châteaux that just draws us back, whether it’s the romantic dream of a beautiful, historic home, or the practicality of an exciting business opportunity. I spoke to Jacqueline Reddin-Williams from Beaux Villages Immobilier about buying a château of your own.
What have been the notable changes in France in 2019 – and what’s coming up in 2020? From property price growth to lower taxes, higher wages and a possible end to daylight savings, here’s our round-up.
As the days get shorter, who doesn’t dream of swapping the British summer for a Kiwi winter? The good news is that, as of October, New Zealand has introduced a 6-month visa for UK citizens – so you can do just that!
Many people who think about buying property in Greece think about buying a place on one of the many Greek islands, or in Athens. However, there are so many wonderful locations to choose from.
The route of this world-famous road cycling race has just been announced, and we are all excited to see what towns and villages it will pass through in May 2020. The TV coverage will highlight some famous landmarks but also lesser known towns. You may even spot your dream home.
Buying a property in Italy has different processes to the UK or USA, but they are nothing to worry about – they are there to protect you. Read about the role of the notary in your Italian house purchase.