For those who love a close community, in the heart of Cyprus but with English speaking neighbours too, check out these three lovely villages. They’re handpicked by our writer in Cyprus.
When you move to Ireland or buy Irish property, it’s important to select your ideal location based upon your intentions for the move or purchase. Are you moving for job opportunities, or for accessibility to nature? To raise a family? To set you off on the right track for your move to Ireland, today we’re revealing the best cities for each demographic…
The clocks went back last weekend in Spain as well as in the UK signalling the start of autumn and later, winter, though Spain is still an hour ahead of Britain. In the summer months there is so much to do it’s difficult to choose where to go, what to join, what to see or listen to but after October things tend to quieten down. Restaurants close, music festivals are few and far between and our beaches are less crowded.
Whilst the seaside is where most people head on the Costa Blanca, it’s well worth going inland on your property hunt. You can have all the advantages – sunshine and a relaxed way of life – for considerably less money, plus you’ll find a more authentic, less touristed, Spanish way of life in the region’s historic towns and villages.
The French property market has not seen the sharp price rises that we have seen in the UK in the last 10 years or so: quite the reverse, many areas have seen no price rises at all. However, new figures released by the French property market overseer “Se Loger” and “Insee” suggest that this is changing in some areas.
One of the reasons you moved to France was the weather. You’ve enjoyed/got used to outdoor living during the spring/summer months and been spoiled by the heat and heady long days of the summer. But for some France in winter can then come as a shock to the system. Here we discuss how you can not only survive it but even enjoy it.