Why you shouldn’t worry about buying property in Italy

Some would-be buyers of Italian property are put off by the unfamiliarity of the legal process and the names of professional services they’re not used to, such as geometra and notary. In fact, they’re thinking about it the wrong way. The four main professionals in the Iitalian property buying process are there to help you. Let us introduce you to the licensed estate agent, lawyer, geometra and notary…

6 steps to buying a home in Greece

Buying a property in Greece may be the best decision you ever make. Stunning beaches and scenery, affordable housing, delicious cuisine, friendly locals… we could go on and on about why Greece is an excellent choice for a holiday home or forever home. But how do you buy property in Greece? We outline the property buying process in six simple steps.

10 reasonably priced villas for sale in western Cyprus

With a wide choice of villas for sale in western Cyprus at reasonable prices, a move or holiday home there need not break the bank. It’s your opportunity to live in a beautiful property in Cyprus while leaving enough from the sale of an average UK home to finance a lifestyle that’s both active and leisurely. 

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