With Brexit on the horizon, what’s the mood among homeowners in Spain? we sent our roving Editor at Large Richard Way, a homeowner on the Costa Brava himself, to the front line.
Italian style can be summed up as understated timeless luxury. Italians make glamour look effortless. They can put a crisp white shirt and jacket with a pair of brand name jeans, and look like a movie star. Whether making clothes or furniture you will find simple stylish lines, quality materials and great workmanship. Italian designers, artists, craftspeople and furniture makers have a passion for what they do.
With many of us heading off for property viewing trips in Cyprus, what can we expect from the property market in Cyprus this spring? The news is mixed. Prices are rising but maybe too fast. The golden visa is working but maybe too well. Rentals are booming but the government wants a piece of the action!
We’re more than half way through Lent, and many Greeks are looking forward to Easter. This year it coincides with the Church of England, but that’s where many of the similarities end. For a start, it’s a much more important date in the Greek calendar than for many British people. And you probably won’t be spending it gardening or spring cleaning! So what can you expect?
Decisions, decisions! Where to buy abroad? It’s hard enough to choose a country, then you have to decide on town or country, how close to the beach, resort or in the local community… It’s enough to make you want to take a siesta!
On average, every day last year 28 British people bought homes in Spain. Where and what are they buying? As many of us head off to look at Spanish property, where is hot this spring? Read our five fast facts about Spain’s property market this spring.