The Spanish tax authority’s use of drones and satellites has netted an extra 1.25 billion euros. Now it is extending the programme throughout the whole country and the Balearics. Don’t be caught out, make that declaration! The Spanish tax authority, called the Hacienda, is resorting to hi-tech methods to discover buildings which have not been declared for tax purposes. Since the end of 2014 they have found 1.69 million undeclared or illegal properties and they’re looking for more.
From Galicia to the Costa Blanca, Spanish firefighters have been battling wildfires that have devastated large areas perilously close to popular expats hotspots. The first few days in September have been the hottest in Spain since 1988, with temperatures in the south soaring to over 40º and leaving the countryside tinder dry. The conditions, helped by arsonists in some cases, have led to forest fires across the Spanish mainland.
Shouting at a waiter, paying the bill for everyone, conjuring up a surname, having two breakfasts and avoiding certain Tuesdays are all part of Spanish culture. Learn how to get involved. Visiting Spain on holiday is one thing, living in Spain is quite another. There are many things you will need to get used to once you move, especially Spanish culture. We take a light-hearted look at some of the differences between the British and Spanish ways of doing things.
The possibility of a Brexit following the upcoming referendum is of major concern and interest to British people living in Spain, whether they are retired or not. A quick poll around a lunch table by our expat on the ground produced an interesting result. Whenever you meet British people here, the subject for discussion these days is the EU Referendum and the possibility of a Brexit, just as it is in the United Kingdom. The other day, I was with a group of 20 expats for a tour of Gala’s Castle at Pubòl in Catalonia (Gala was Salvador Dalí’s Russian wife). Our guide, Nik Duserm, kept us