Tough economic conditions combined with tighter lending conditions by European banks might make you think twice about applying for a euro mortgage in France. Speak to the right people though and doors should open.
So, you’ve decided you want to flee the UK property market and buy somewhere overseas, but the burning question is ‘Where?’ To help you decide and show you what’s currently available, I’ve gathered a few homes from top expat destinations France, Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Connecting with estate agents is a key step in finding your dream home overseas, wherever that may be. According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors, 87% of buyers end up purchasing their home through an estate agent and broker.
How I Got Here In 2020, I had a fabulous first Covid lockdown in my beautiful little house in a quiet corner of coastal Almería. Well, not actually in my little house there, that for five years I’d been visiting whenever I could, but a similar house in a nearby village. Okay, I wasn’t actually in the house, bodily, but mentally escaping to it at every opportunity; I was writing a novel set there. In reality, I was cooped up in my Blighty home, taking the daily opportunity to stroll over the deserted local golf course, like everyone else.
Former Spain Property Guides and A Place in the Sun editor Richard Way has not just been one of the UK’s foremost international property experts for nearly 20 years but is also a homeowner in Spain. As thousands of us plan viewing trips to Spain this spring and summer, we asked him to suggest some areas where he would personally recommend buying the perfect home…