Enrolling your son or daughter in an international school should be an exciting part of your relocation. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming! When choosing an international school, your investigation should begin from the starting point of what you want from a school, rather than relying on internet forums and Google search results. Our writer in Portugal, Amy Grace, investigates.
For most of us, leaving family behind is the only bad thing about moving overseas. But today’s modern telecommunications, together with more plentiful and cheaper flights, mean you can emigrate without too many tears. Here are three reasons that starting a new life abroad can be a positive experience for the whole family. I’ve offered my own experiences too…
Could you retire abroad in 2019? All the evidence suggests that an active retirement in the warmth and sunshine of our favourite overseas destinations will give a boost to your health, wealth and happiness. Here we outline the key considerations for making a successful move abroad, from raising the money to sorting out your pension.
Moving to Australia with children could be one of the best decisions you take for your family. The warm weather, blue skies and long summers mean children (and adults!) are more likely to be out and about, enjoying a much more active lifestyle, whether it’s long days spent swimming at the beach or a weekend bush-trekking in the Outback. However, moving to the other side of the world is a big step – so how can you make it a success?