Having lived in Cyprus now for just over 25 years I can honestly say that the food is unlikely to disappoint you! It’s as if the Cypriots have an ingrained creative flair and a knack for flavours that they are always proud to display. You will always find that Cypriot food is freshly cooked, oozing temptation, and beckoning you to eat it. And that’s before you get to the mouthwatering desserts!
The way to an Italian’s heart is through his stomach. By exploring gastronomy in Italy you will learn about the local way of life and be seduced by the flavours and tastes from the Romans at Pompeii to the Sagra Festivals today
Where should you go for your favourite brand of English tea? Can you get horseradish sauce? With so many supermarkets in Spain, which might offer what you want? There certainly is no lack of supermarkets in Spain, every town will have several. For example, the town of Palafrugell in Catalonia with a population of nearly 23,000 currently boasts 10, some large others small.
France leads the way in making businesses socially responsible. Now new food labelling will help the French shopper to make healthy choices. Do the public really care about that anyway though, in the world’s most delicious nation? First came the ban on plastic bags being given out in supermarkets. Then France became the first country to outlaw throwing away good food. Now a new scheme is revamping food labelling in some of the leading supermarkets.