Where are the best bargains to be had in France? It used to be the village market and that’s still where you will find the best local produce. But France’s supermarkets are pretty good too.
Portugal is a relatively cheap place to live – but not for everything. So what should you be squeezing into your luggage? And how do you bag a bargain? Portugal is a rather cheap place to live, by European standards. A recent Expatistan study, comparing living costs in 80 European cites, found Lisbon, Porto and Faro all comfortably located in the bottom half of the rankings.
Shouting at a waiter, paying the bill for everyone, conjuring up a surname, having two breakfasts and avoiding certain Tuesdays are all part of Spanish culture. Learn how to get involved. Visiting Spain on holiday is one thing, living in Spain is quite another. There are many things you will need to get used to once you move, especially Spanish culture. We take a light-hearted look at some of the differences between the British and Spanish ways of doing things.
It is possible to enjoy a healthy Mediterranean diet that is gluten free in Italy. Italians love their food, and are also aware of the connection between health and what they eat. Much of Italian cuisine is based on using fresh local produce as part of the famous Mediterranean diet. An Italian Supermarket chain, Co-op, did a survey of its customers and discovered that 70% of Italians are willing to pay more for all natural foods, 65% are willing to pay more for non-GMO foods and 62% for organic foods.