How to be more Italian, in five easy lessons. When you go to live in Italy you may wonder how you’ll get over the culture shock. Learn these five easy lessons to living like an Italian, however, and you’ll never want to queue, get drunk or wear socks with sandals again
Facebook founder visits Rome How does Facebook help people keep in contact with family and friends through the bad and the good times?
Our local town Festa The town Festa plays a big part in Italian communities, bringing people of all ages together to celebrate a colourful tradition.
The North and South of Italian property Now is a great time to invest your hard earned savings in an Italian property that you can escape to and unwind.
Earthquake in Central Italy – latest update When people went to bed in central Italy on Tuesday night, they never dreamt it would become a nightmare, surrounded by fallen buildings.
Ryanair to invest in Italy Confidence in future tourist traffic to Italy is a good sign for house buyers.