Why I love living in Italy

We initially thought we would renovate the house and move on, but soon discovered there was no other place we’d rather be.

French postal workers set to watch over your elderly relatives

Relatives of elderly people living in France can opt to pay for the added peace of mind that their loved ones are being watched over, after French postal service La Poste launched a scheme whereby its workers pop in and chat to elderly people living alone.

Spanish news roundup

Property prices are on the up across Spain, while temperatures refuse to drop in October. Madrid looks to constitutional reform to keep Catalonia in Spain, while doctors there develop a test that can detect heart attacks three years before they happen.

Schools in Canada

A smooth transition to a new school can ‘make or break’ your move to Canada. So it is vital to be prepared and know what you can expect from the Canadian school system.

Schooling in the USA

Anyone who watches TV probably knows American schools better than our own. From “junior prom” to yellow buses, from Principal Skinner and Mrs Krabappel in The Simpsons to Walter White in Breaking Bad, even the teaching faculty are like old friends.

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