Schooling options for expats in New Zealand

It’s probably because your kids are your priority that you’re moving to New Zealand in the first place. As well as a fabulous new lifestyle, your kids should enjoy a first-class education.

10 things expats soon learn in Australia

Australians avoid the sun as much as possible, hardly ever call anyone by their real name and are some of the best water conservers on the planet. These and other things no one ever told you.

Schooling options in Portugal

If you’re an expat in Portugal (or planning to become one) and you have children, you’ll need to know the options for schooling.

USA cost of living survey

When you live in America, the best things in life are usually free. For everything else, there’s the USA Property Guide’s annual cost of living survey, checking out the price of healthcare, going out, groceries, utilities and transport across the USA.

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