Furnishing your Irish home

When you move to a new country it can be tricky to know where to go to find the furniture and household items you need. Today we list Ireland’s best spots for furnishing your home.

Furnishing your New Zealand home

When you move to a new country, it can take a while to establish where to find what you need to furnish your new property. Today we provide some options so that you’ll know where to start.

The world’s greatest grudge match?

What is the sporting event of the year in New Zealand? Anything that gives New Zealanders the chance to stick it to Australia, of course! When New Zealand Black Caps play the Baggy Greens at cricket, stake your place in the bar and take the rest of the day off.

Choosing an energy efficient home in Australia

With some of the most expensive electricity in the world, here is what you need to know about choosing an energy efficient home in Australia. Plus it’s pretty good for the environment too.

The romantic route to Australia

When it comes to emigration, Australia is a country with many suitors so it can be picky whose advances it accepts. But trust us, if you’re accepted as resident its charms are well worth the effort! With Valentine’s Day around the corner here are six super-romantic Australian experiences.

Five things NOT to do in Portugal

Social etiquette can be a delicate thing in some countries, but everything’s pretty easy going in Portugal. Just avoid doing these five things.

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