Italy in winter is full of music, carnival and delicious food. A time when you can explore cities, beaches and countryside and learn about the local traditions before the influx of summer visitors. It may be the ‘quiet season’, but there’s still plenty going on – here are some of my favourite things about winter in Italy.
Greeks are famously hospitable people – you go from stranger to friend in a flash, as long as you’ve answered the series of questions on where you’re from, why you came and your entire family history on both sides. And there’s nothing a yiayia loves questioning more than someone moving solo! So what is life like moving to Greece as a single person?
The French have a reputation for being serious about love and romance, but is this reputation deserved? And what is life really like for singles (or as the French call them, ‘celibataires’) in France? Many people who move to France are couples nearing retirement who dream of a life in the sun, with delicious French food and wines to sample and stunning landscapes to discover. But how moving to France as a single? What is life like for the unattached in France, and those seeking ‘amour’ in the country that includes Paris, the famous city of love.
The start of the year’s a time for reflection. Are you living the life you want to live? Or do you have a nagging feeling you’d prefer life overseas? Moving to the US is a big leap, but is very rewarding. Unlike in some places, many Brits move to here on their own, for work or just for a change. So how is it moving to the USA as a single person?
When you think of skiing, which country pops into your mind? France? Switzerland? Austria? When you think of Spain, what image do you see? Beaches? Warm weather? Tapas bars? Well, did you know that there are many wonderful ski resorts in Spain to enjoy too, often within reach of the coast where you can buy a second home?
So, you’ve found your dream home and want to find work in France to earn some pennies (or more!) or keep busy? It’s easier than you might think: plenty of expats have done this before and there are plentiful opportunities for British people employed in France in all spheres. Here’s how to go about job-hunting.