Ireland is being extremely cautious in moving out of its lockdown and that is showing in its very low infection rates. But with ‘phase 4’ in sight, what effect has it had on Irish property prices market and when will we be able to travel there?
Interest in Portuguese property is surging among UK buyers, showing that neither Covid-19 not diplomatic bickering can dull enthusiasm for a life in Portugal.
The news from Spain this week is mainly very positive: the beaches, shops, bars, restaurants and nightclubs are open again, but all with safety measures in place to protect both employees and the public.
Portugal Property Guides had planned to be spending our spring and summer at a series of Your Overseas Home events, meeting you in person and helping get you on your way to Portugal. Well, we know how that worked out!
“Thanks to the good practice by Spain’s citizens, 52% of the country will move to Phase 3 of lockdown on the 8th of June,” said the Spanish Minister for Health. Phase 3 is the final phase of releasing the Spanish people from one of the strictest confinements in Europe.
Many of us have had to put our buying in Portugal plans on hold for a few months. But for those who want to get residency before the Brexit door closes, or who just want to get there now, waiting until next year is just not an option!