If you have been planning to buy a property in the USA or considering emigrating there, what might the presidency of President-elect Trump mean for you?
Portugal’s ‘non- habitual resident’ tax regime has done much to make Portugal the retirement destination of choice for people from France and Italy. Two recent reports in The Portugal Resident have brought Portugal’s appeal as a retirement destination into sharp focus.
Many of us plan to help pay for our property in Spain via the new “sharing economy” of online sites like Airbnb and HomeAway. New rules are making this more difficult, but in the end it should be good for the Spain’s tourist economy and all property owners.
Whilst the Spanish coast and major cities are showing significant price rises, other regions are still in the doldrums and a few are actually seeing price decreases.
After a period with little news about the realities of impending Brexit for expats in Portugal and elsewhere, solid details have finally started to emerge.