Could you afford the Big Little Lies lifestyle?

If you enjoyed the TV sensation Big Little Lies, you might just have wondered what Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon and the other stars would have paid for those gorgeous homes overlooking the ocean?

Better protected mortgages offer hope to Cyprus buyers

Cyprus has been put on the naughty step by the European Commission, which has forced it to implement an EU mortgage directive following some lending irregularities. It’s good news for property buyers needing a mortgage on the island.

American prices turbo-boosted by homes shortage

If you’re biding your time, waiting for an opportune moment to make a property purchase in the USA, you will want to stay on top of how the market’s performing and where your money will go the furthest. Today we analyse the US homes market’s lively start to 2017.

President Macron boosts property

France Property Guides takes the temperature of the French property market after the election of President Macron, and asks what the prognosis is for French home values.

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