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Read the latest property news from all around the world from our expert writers located all over the world. Get the latest on buying, travel, emigration, retirement and much more. Whether you are buying a sunny property to spend your summers, or making a big move abroad you will find everything you need to know here.

Your dream home by a Cyprus beach – which are the best?
In the same week as World Ocean Day (June 8th), the latest Blue Flag awards confirm that Cyprus punches well above its weight as a global destination for quality beaches. Let’s take a closer look at how this small, precious land mass in the Med scores so highly with the world’s marine experts!Read more...
Tax in France
Our expert Independent Financial Advisor partners in France believe that the tax system is likely to remain very similar to the current structure in the event of Brexit. This is because: a). Cross border taxation of income and capital (such as French property rental income, proceeds of property sales, UK residents inheriting French property, and all UK sourced income for French residents) is subject to existing Double Tax Treaties, which are set up completely independently from the EU and therefore do not fall under EU regulation. The UK leaving the EU will not automatically change this systemRead more...
Focus on Inheritance Tax and Legalities
We asked Spanish property experts for their thoughts and guidance on the effects of Brexit for expats and property buyers in Spain. What are the effects on inheritance? EEA citizens currently pay the same inheritance tax as locals in Spain, however, as these double-taxation treaties are not created by the EU, Brexit should not affect these UK-Spain tax agreements. So, the reassuring news is that nothing will really change over the next two years. The main implication of the Leave decision that you need to be concerned with in the short term is the effect on exchange rates, and therefore your sRead more...
Enjoying summer with an eye to your wallet
How can you enjoy your summer in Spain without spending a fortune? There are simple ways to save your money which we list below. Summer has arrived in Spain and we usually find we spend more at this time of year. Perhaps you will have a couple of ice creams a day, or will go out to eat more often or visit new places? Snacks on the beach, live music, fiestas all contribute to a larger than normal outlay. We suggest a few ways to save money while still having fun.Read more...
Swings and Roundabouts
Spain is seeing price rises for property for the first time in 8 years. Is this likely to be a permanent trend or will Brexit bring them down again? Looking at the Spanish and British Press comments about the property market in Spain, you might be forgiven for feeling confused. On the one hand, some experts are saying that prices are likely to rise by as much as 12% over the next year, on the other side some suggest that the British are less likely to buy which will impact on the Spanish property market.Read more...
How to make your weekly shop in France go further
France Property Guides shows you how to shop well and save money Shopping is somehow different in France: there is less of an idea of doing one weekly shop to stock up on everything and much more of a laid back style, seeking out local markets, local small shops, and in our experience far more emphasis on fresh ingredients grown locally. Although “peel off lids” are around in the larger supermarkets, the average French household cooks from scratch, taking full advantage of the lovely fruits, vegetables and herbs which can be found in every supermarket and outdoor market.Read more...
The property market as it stands now in France
Looking at the French Property Market post-Brexit. Is it still a buyer’s market or are things slowly changing? France remains right at the top of the most popular countries for overseas buyers to purchase property. We live in what may be described as turbulent times and Brexit came as a shock to many. At this stage no-one knows when or even whether it will be enforced but after the initial knee jerk reaction a few weeks on, signs are that Brexit has not stopped many Brits looking to buy in France despite the pound taking a tumble. Indeed, we have heard many a British voice saying they are moreRead more...
How to Live Life on a Budget in Portugal
Portugal’s low cost of living is one of the main attractions for expats, but if you really want to live life on a budget, there are various things you can do to make your existence even cheaper. It’s possible to enjoy a very pleasant existence in Portugal without spending a huge amount of money, but there are still some ways to drain your cash reserves if you’re not careful. In this article, we provide five useful tips to help you either economise, or avoid spending money you don’t have to.Read more...
Faster Broadband on the way for Portuguese Residents
Improved infrastructure will bring fast fibre broadband to many more homes in Portugal by the end of 2016Read more...
What’s the cost of living in Portugal compared to the UK?
When you are moving to Portugal, you need to make sure you can get an idea of how much you will need to maintain your life here. To help you with this, we offer our annual Cost of Living Survey, comparing costs in Portugal with the UK. We used the exchange rate on 18th May 2016, GBP/EUR: 1.28.Read more...
How does the cost of living compare in France, Spain and Portugal to the UK?
It is always important to remember that some of the main reasons why British property buyers choose to begin a new life in Europe is down to the more favourable cost of living in these countries, and the better quality of life compared to the UK.Read more...