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More MPs back visa proposal for second-home owners in France
More and more French MPs and senators have confirmed their support for a new visa dedicated to second-home owners.Read more...
10 ways to regret nothing when you buy in France
It’s a big decision, choosing a home in France. A Place in the Sun readers recently revealed their top tips for getting it right. The French are famous for regretting “rien”, but A Place in the Sun magazine has revealed 10 regrets of its readers who bought abroad and then had a better idea. Don’t worry, they were all very happy to have bought a place abroad, but realise that with a bit more thought they might have made better decisions. The good news is that when buying a holiday home or moving abroad, you can normally correct any early mistakes.Read more...
Spain Boosts Airport Security
Acting Minister for State Security has ordered hundreds of plain clothes officers to patrol airports and stations in the wake of the recent attacks in Brussels. The national level of security remains the same. All European countries are reviewing their security in public places, especially at airports and stations and other transport hubs. In the Basque Country and Catalonia the regional police are involved in similar operations while state police are watching perimeters. All over the country, security forces have been instructed to look for anyone acting suspiciously among all passengers, froRead more...
Smoking in Spain declines
With problems in world markets and tougher laws in Spain, a once booming industry says goodbye to its last cigarette production line. Anyone who has seen Bizet’s opera Carmen will remember the wonderful scene where Carmen sings Habanera outside the cigarette factory where she worked in Seville. The date is around 1820 and at the time Spain had numerous factories around the country, producing cigarettes – and these continued to do so until the year 2000 when one of the main producers, Altadis, began closing its factories.Read more...
Do the Brits really enjoy their lives in Spain?
A recent survey of Brits living in Spain heralded very interesting results, suggesting that despite the reputation that they rely on speaking English, only eat British food and only socialise with other Brits, most of those who live there enjoy a very British life. The survey asked people to use one word to describe how they felt about living in Spain and the word “happy” was the most used, while “relaxed” and “content” were also popular. When looking further into the lives of the respondents, the survey revealed that over 50% spoke Spanish with the locals and friends, enjoyed Spanish food, haRead more...
Hope for British citizens in Europe
A British citizen living in Italy has challenged the British government over his right to vote in the EU Referendum, denied to him because he has lived away from Britain for more than 15 years. There are two million British citizens living in Europe who have no right to vote in any United Kingdom election, including the upcoming EU Referendum – thanks to a rule which denies this human right to those who have lived outside Britain for more than an arbitrary 15 years.Read more...
Barcelona is officially the city for Vegetarians
A new initiative has introduced Meat-free Mondays and more vegetarianism as a whole into the city of Barcelona, with the support of the local council. The Spanish are meat lovers; there is no doubt about it. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you are traditionally likely to find problems when looking for food you can eat – unless of course, you specifically seek out one of the few vegetarian restaurants available, usually only in the larger towns and cities.Read more...
Signs of Property Market recovery in Spain
The property market in Spain saw an improvement at the end of 2015, although this was patchy, with some areas faring better than others. Since the beginning of 2016, the market has had ups and downs, with a drop in sales in January, but a rebound in February, and a very strong comeback in Madrid and Barcelona with high end property selling well.Read more...
How much would you pay to dine in at home in Spain?
One of the pleasures that living in Spain offers is the chance to eat out regularly at reasonable prices. Whether you go out with friends for tapas or for a menú del día for lunch, you’ll always find good food that doesn’t cost the earth. If you feel like staying in one evening and cooking yourselves a good meal, though, how much will you have to spend?Read more...
France still popular for Brits
Our nearest neighbour France has been, and by all accounts probably always will be, one of the most popular choices choice for British people buying overseas. There are so many reasons why this is the case and we all have our own ideas when it comes to why we hold France in so much affection.Read more...
Life in a French village
There is something about a typically ancient and pretty French village that really appeals to British people buying in France – and other would be expats. It is easy to conjure up a picture in one’s mind of cobbled streets, pretty half-timbered buildings, pavement cafes, hanging baskets, quirky shops and people generally relaxing in the sunshine. This picture represents many villages in France and so many of us yearn to be a part of this. We moved to a small village in the south of France almost seven years ago now – and have never looked back. We are part of the community and find that everyoRead more...