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Read the latest property news from all around the world from our expert writers located all over the world. Get the latest on buying, travel, emigration, retirement and much more. Whether you are buying a sunny property to spend your summers, or making a big move abroad you will find everything you need to know here.


France makes history with right to abortion ruling

France makes history with right to abortion ruling

On Friday 8th March, France enshrined the guaranteed right to abortion into its constitution. Following French lawmakers voting officially in favour of the motion the previous Monday. The timing of the formal inclusion of this change into the constitution, on International Women’s Day, was no coincidence. France sent out a powerful message of support to women, backing their right to free choice appearing to reflect the views of the majority of French citizens.

How is the ski property market faring?

There is nothing quite like skiing down a mountain in freshly groomed snow, hearing the rush of the wind in your ears, marvelling at the beauty of the surroundings and feeling uplifted by the sheer wonder of it all. Skiing has long been one of the most popular sports for many British people. Now, perhaps more than at any other time, ski lovers will be keen to try it all again. So how is the ski property market faring at the moment?

Are winter viewings in France a good idea?

Winter property viewings in France always pay dividends! As the old saying goes, if you like a property when the weather is cold, the nights are longer and the trees are bare of their leaves, you will absolutely fall in love with it when summer comes around. There are many other reasons why winter viewings make real sense, and here we look at some of the main ones.

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