Managing Your Portuguese property

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Owning property in Portugal can be a rewarding investment, especially for international buyers. The key to maximising this investment lies in effective management, ensuring that the property not only retains its value but also generates income where possible.

Hiring a property manager

For those who cannot be physically present to oversee their properties, hiring a property management company is a practical solution.

If you’re considering renting out your property, a property management company will offer comprehensive services that include marketing your property, handling tenant enquiries, conducting essential maintenance and ensuring legal compliance.

They can help you navigate the complexities of the Portuguese rental market, assist with setting competitive rental prices, finding and vetting tenants and managing rental agreements.

Costs vary depending on the level of service required, but investing in a reputable property manager can save you time and money in the long run.

Maintenance and upkeep

Regular maintenance and upkeep are essential to maintaining the value of your property and the satisfaction of your tenants. Property management companies typically offer maintenance services, or you can opt to hire local contractors.

It’s important to have a regular schedule for inspections and repairs to prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

Essential tips

For absentee owners, here are some essential tips to keep your Portuguese property in tip-top condition:

Establish a reliable network of local contacts, including a property manager, lawyer and accountant so you have someone to contact should you need immediate assistance.

Meet your neighbours: It can be helpful to get to know your neighbours as they can keep an eye on the property for you when you’re not around.

Understand local laws and regulations regarding property ownership and rental.

Consider the local climate and environment when planning maintenance, especially if your property is near the coast.

Keep an eye on the local property market to ensure your investment remains competitive.

By following these guidelines and leveraging the expertise of property management professionals, international buyers can enjoy the benefits of property ownership in Portugal with peace of mind.

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