Five tips to make learning Portuguese easier

Five tips to make learning Portuguese easier

Not many people know this, but Tuesday was United Nation’s International Mother Language Day. That sounds like the perfect excuse to nag you a little bit about learning Portuguese, or at least, to pass on five great tips to make it easier.
How to rent a home in Portugal

How to rent a home in Portugal

Rental property in Portugal is currently in high demand, and not always easy to find on a long-term basis. This article contains five essential tips to help you negotiate the pitfalls of renting in Portugal.
Five things NOT to do in Portugal

Five things NOT to do in Portugal

Social etiquette can be a delicate thing in some countries, but everything’s pretty easy going in Portugal. Just avoid doing these five things.
What happens when winter hits Portugal

What happens when winter hits Portugal

It comes as a surprise to some but there IS a winter in Portugal! Here are five ways to keep warm in the country. Find homes in Portugal via our property portal. Portugal is a hot country, although in summer it is kept lovely by those Atlantic breezes. But remember two things: firstly, there’s more to Portugal than the Algarve, and central and northern regions don’t have the same climate. Secondly, while winter may be short in the south, the nights get cold – and properties are often built to keep the heat out in summer – not to keep it in in the winter.

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