After a period with little news about the realities of impending Brexit for expats in Portugal and elsewhere, solid details have finally started to emerge.
The two key themes of the Portuguese property market today are shortage of supply and increasing demand. For people with a financial stake in the country, that adds up to a good thing.
The multimillionaire more famous for saying “I’m out” is most definitely “in” when it comes to Portugal and the Algarve property market. He believes the investment potential is huge and has staked his claim in the Golden Triangle
Portugal is a relatively cheap place to live – but not for everything. So what should you be squeezing into your luggage? And how do you bag a bargain? Portugal is a rather cheap place to live, by European standards. A recent Expatistan study, comparing living costs in 80 European cites, found Lisbon, Porto and Faro all comfortably located in the bottom half of the rankings.
Everything’s moving in the right direction for property owners in Portugal. The thriving summer season looks set to open many more peoples’ eyes to the attractions of buying a home in the country.