Spain property guides
Our Spain property guides were created to help you navigate the many complexities of buying property in Spain, including legal and financial matters. We provide information and guidance on every step of the process, as well as insight into living in Spain, to help ensure your purchase is a success. And, once you’re ready to start house-hunting, you can take a look at a wide range of properties for sale in Spain.
Free expert advice
The advice in our free Spain property guides comes from a trusted network of Spanish property experts, including estate agents, bilingual solicitors, and financial advisors. We also share personal experiences from expats who have made the move from to Spain themselves.
If you’d prefer to speak to someone directly, we have Spain property experts in our UK office and on the ground in La Cala de Mijas who can offer advice and answer any questions you might have over the phone. Give them a call on 020 7898 0549 from Monday to Friday, 8:30am–6:00pm.
Download your free Spain property guide

As well as a free online guide to buying property in Spain, we offer a downloadable booklet that will take you through the entire process. This PDF can be saved to your device or printed for future reference. Simply enter your details to download your free Spain property guide, which will help you to:
Download your free guide to buying in Spain
More free expert guides to make your purchase a success
Make your purchase a success – download your free expert guides
Healthcare Abroad – Taking care of your health doesn’t stop when moving to Spain. Get this one stop shop for expatriate healthcare.
After Brexit Guide – To help you plot your way through a possible post-Brexit scenario, to ensure you can fulfil that dream of a Spanish lifestyle.
Your Negotiation Guide – A handy guide to everything you need to know about negotiating for a property in Spain.
A Property Buyer’s Guide to Currency – A currency specialist’s ‘insider’s guide’ to a successful property purchase, written by the experts.
Experts on the ground
We have Spain property experts at our UK resource centre, as well as offices on the Costa del Sol, and Costa Blanca. These experienced teams can help answer any questions you have and offer advice on the different aspects of buying property in Spain.
They are here to support you throughout the full process of viewing and buying, and can put you in touch with the professional services that you will need to help you along the way.
Want to chat to our Resource Team about buying property abroad? You can reach us on +44 20 7898 0549 from Monday to Friday, 9am–6pm.
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