Financing your property purchase (and life) in Spain
Your finances are the key consideration in most of the big decisions you will make in your life, and this is no different when choosing to move to Spain. It’s so important to make sure you are aware of everything you need to think about in advance. Here’s what keep in mind when financing your property.
From the actual cost of your property, to the ongoing maintenance of it, to the planning of your taxes and pensions, there is so much you need to think about when it comes to your finances and a move to Spain – and a number of different financial pitfalls you need to avoid.
Spain Property Guide can guide you through these considerations from the moment you decide you want to move to Spain, and put you in touch with the right people to deal with the tax issues that can arise. We can also help with your currency exchange to and from Spain.
“If I can pass on one piece of advice, it is to make sure you think very carefully about your finances when you are moving to Spain – right at the beginning. You need to consider what cost you can afford, of course, but you also need to think about the additional costs, taxes and fees that will arise before you finish the purchase. You need to think about your residency status, where you will be paying taxes, and, of course, your pension and how to transfer it over to you in Spain. It sounds like a lot – and it is! – and that’s why I would always recommend speaking to a professional financial advisor to help you tick all the boxes correctly.”
Sally Veall

The Property Buyer’s Guide to Currency will help you: