If you dream of moving to a British village, what are the practicalities? Covering everything from house prices to services to making friends, we’re heading to the countryside…
Tough market conditions and increasing red tape might put off some people becoming a private landlord in 2024. But if you get the right advice, invest carefully and stay in the game for the long-term, it should still pay to own a buy-to-let in the UK. Here are 8 pointers to help you get started.
Majestic natural surroundings, a strong literary history, a host of outdoor activities – we’ve picked our top ten reasons to buy a property in the Lake District.
While many have ties to London due to friends living there or because our job is based there, that does not necessarily mean that you’d want to live there full time. From Hungerford to Harlow, we have picked ten fantastic locations to live in, all less than an hour to London by train.