After the news that we might be able to enjoy an international holiday from 17 May, many of us are excited at the prospect of jumping on a plane to visit the Sunshine State. But what’s the latest in Florida? Are the theme parks open? When will we be able to fly there? We answer your questions here.
Vaccination rate
Covid cases in Florida have started to decrease, with a current 7 day rolling average of 5,826 cases. The state’s vaccination roll-out is well underway, with around 1.5 million Floridians having received both doses of the vaccine and around 1.3 million having received the first dose. Florida had originally taken a different approach than most other states, choosing to vaccinate as many over 65s as possible before essential workers and the medically vulnerable under 65.
However, as of just yesterday (24 February), it was announced that teachers and police aged over 50 will start to receive vaccination offers. As of 22 Feb, around 13% of Florida’s population had received a first dose, meaning Florida is neither leading nor trailing behind other states. Four federally supported mass vaccination sites will also open in the state.

Florida has taken a different vaccine approach to many other US states
Current restrictions
There are currently no state-wide coronavirus restrictions in Florida. Masks are not mandatory but are advised, and Floridians are encouraged to avoid crowds and socially distance. Local counties and communities may have their own restrictions. Nearly all of the state’s beaches are open and Floridians are able to dine-in at restaurants.
What about theme parks?
Florida’s main theme parks – including Disney World and Six Flags – are currently open but have caps on capacity. Guests are required to wear masks at all times and have a temperature test on arrival. Social distancing is encouraged in the queues.

Florida’s theme parks have been open since July. Kamira _
When can I visit the US?
At present, only US citizens and permanent residents can fly into the US. There is no sign that we will be able to travel to the US in the near future, however, after the announcement that we may be able to enjoy international holidays from May 17, there is some hope on the horizon. Cases are falling and vaccinations are accelerating, so here’s to hoping we can enjoy the Sunshine State soon!